Why Microsoft Is So Flattering.

Microsoft is considering selling music online through it's Windows Media Player application.

Immitation & Flattery. Imitation is, after all, the best form of flattery. Or so the adage goes. Two other adages I hold closer to my heart are

  1. The only things you regret in life are those that you don't do; rarely what you do.
  2. Higher risk. Higher potential for reward.

So when I stumbled onto the new item “Microsoft considering music store”, on c|net News.com last week I had shake my head a bit then poke myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I'm awake. And it's another case of deja vu. Seems Microsoft is considering developing an online music store (ala Apple's iTunes Music Store) and integrating it into Microsoft products.

[…] Gates indicated that any music store project would be more a matter of providing computer users with added convenience–and presumably, keeping people using Microsoft software–rather than a direct moneymaker. “It's maybe a feature your platform should offer, but it's not like you're going to make some (big) markup,” Gates said. […]

Of course, this could spell doom or boom for Apple's service. Just last week so ago Scott Blum (of Buy.com fame) announced and opened BuyMusic, a windows-only online music store. Validation of concept or market is a good thing. Competition is good for markets and customers. No question. But it's like the 10 year old boys teetering at the end of a tree branch 25 feel above the lake. Shivering and nervous no one wants to take the first leap. The brave soul who finally takes the plunge does more for his friends than simply experiencing the thrill of the jump and the notoriety of being first. He shows how to do it. And that it's going to be alright.

Digital entertainment delivered through the internet via any number of boxes, including computers, is the future. We've all known this for sometime. Question has always been: when? So if Microsoft thinks it's time to jump. So be it. I just wish once in a while these guys would jump first. For the sake of their customers. And for the sake of innovation.