Everybody has a story. Everybody is a story. Everybody tells stories. And this is what I love about humanity. Sure. Sometimes the stories are sad, happy, boring, nasty or simply mediocre. But...
Are men from mars? Then what's with mother earth? Stupid book titles? All wrong. But tonight we sit under the Southern Californian sky with Mars glowing and showing all she's got in her...
For years I've held true to my conviction that I'd never own a Porsche. It's not that I don't find them suitable examples of German automotive engineering. I know Porsche as...
I love reading. Blogs. Newspapers. Books. Personal letters. And magazines. Writing has the ability to move you, make you smile, laugh out loud and even tear. For me it's all of these things and...
You may wonder about today's headline. But I swear it makes sense. Read on…. Have you been following Ming the Mechanic? Just over a month ago he pulled his roots out of the Los Angeles...
It's raining in Newport Beach. It's July. According to my best calculations, summer started about 2 weeks ago after a miserable spring and horribly gloomy May and June. At the car wash the...
Visited my passionate dentist Dr. Wally today at 4:30pm. He's been excited to remove my wisdom teeth. Keep in mind I've had these teeth for my entire life. There part of my body. They came...
Stop and take some cuttings from the flowers. I made two trips down the street in an effort to put a pace to the neighbor who left the nice note in my mailbox. The first time carrying a couple...
It usually happens around midday. You know. Three-ish. I saunter out to my mailbox and grab the daily does of junk, checks (hopefully), bills and letters (ideally) from the mailbox. It's a...
Sometimes it's just worth walking. Truthfully. Today, as I ticked off the tasks on my to do list I found myself in line at the local branch of my business bank. The line shuffled smoothly save...
About a month ago when I returned from one of my recent journeys I was happy to hear the sweet droning and cooing sound of a pair of doves out my window. I'd look out and find them perched...
Now I have seen everything. For the city with more parades and “cultural events” than nearly any other in the US – perhaps the world, this has to rank as one of the most curious...
I've received a reminder from Userland Software: my Radio subscription expires in 43 days. This means just over a month till my one year blogging anniversary. Let's start the party planning...
– originally posted at The Digital Tavern on April 7, 2003 – Ok. Today the price of admission just lowered for me. To be sure, I'm not talking about total “dollars” as...
This is, if you're into quoting dictators. And a few others thrown in for color. Thanks to Brownbelly for some excellent research, wisdom and inspiration in pulling together our Saturday...
Technology is a great thing. Even aging technology. Take coffee makers, for example. Perhaps these days we should call them brewers. Nonetheless, I've opted in recent years for the type of...
Life is funny. I love life. You'd be hard pressed to find me anytime without a big smile and happy “excellent” expression. It's an icebreaker. In this way, I'm typically...
Remember Hunter S. Thompson? Remember when Rolling Stone was a magazine that mattered? Remember the last time, or was the last time, or was it the time before, this country went to war? There was a...
Earlier this year my brother Jonathan and I chatted at length about the poor state of commercial radio today. We reminded each other of our childhood dreams and passions. How years ago we dreamed and...