Read It In the Sunday Papers. And the Daily Blogs.

I've had a bit of an epiphany. And maybe I'm behind other OS X users on this one. But wow. What a discovery. It's called a newsreader or a new aggregator. Last night I downloaded a simple little freeware program for Mac OS X called NetNewsWire Lite published by Ranchero Software. It reads RSS feeds from any compatible blog, news source or website. This is way beyond the old days of usenet newsreaders. This grabs headlines, gives either snippets or full stories pending the feed of the news site or blog. And while I'm sure there are plenty of alternatives. I haven't tried anything but the news aggregator in Radio, which is clumsy and slow at best. Wow. This transforms reading news on the internet from laborious to enjoyable. If you've got Mac OS X download it now.

later–> update: for my windows masochist readers and subscribers this is a PC-based product that essentially offers similar usability for easy access to news, blogs and sites. It's also free and you can download it here. Unlike NetNewsWire Lite which is a cocoa app for Mac OS X (this app rocks) Amphetadesk uses your browser as the interface.