simple concept for complex times…. Sitting on a Delta flight somewhere over Arizona or Utah is my guess. No issues getting out of DC this morning. Nice to have the extra evening. My brother...
Both of these wines were tasted on June 4, 2003 at my home in Southern California. They were tasted prior and during a home grilled meal of Spencer steaks, grilled peppers, rosemary/basil Yukon Gold...
I know it doesn't sound exciting, but “having a glass or two of wine every day may help reduce the occurrence of bowel polyps”. According to this article in The Wine Spectator...
Back in March I wrote about the phenomena that had thirsty cheap drunks lining up at Trader Joe's store throughout California and elsewhere to pay $23.88 for a case of mass-produced free run...
Memorial Weekend. If you’ve been wondering why blogging has been void this week, you should know that I got a vacation. That is, after one year of blogging the good people here at The Digital...
Celebrating Our First Anniversary For The Sake of Clarity – The Digital Tavern Make A Wish. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, shared ideas and thoughts. I look forward to another...
– originally posted at The Digital Tavern on April 10, 2003 – I became a believer several years ago. That is that the type of stemware makes a dramatic difference in the taste of good...
I think Halley Suitt is great. The real thing. Great blend of witty writing, personal insight, humor, some sarcasm and a lot of openess. If you haven’t read her Alpha Male how-to guide and...
Legendary British Rocker Sting plans to get into the wine business. According to this article he purchased prime property in Northern Italy and plans to launch a wine under his name. And soon after...
Trader Joe's bled it for what it was worth. The $1.99 wine that the airlines supposedly sent back because it couldn't bring corkscrews on board. It was a hoax. Much like that Nigerian...
More benefits of drinking wine. You'll be healhier than abstainers, according to Duke Universit Study. And, wine drinkers make better lovers. Right now I'm toasting the study with a 1994...
Bad boy extreme. Wow. I was treated to this wine blind. It had been a couple years since I tempted my palate with a shiraz from Elderton. I forget about Australia. But prompted by my post on...
Attended a great tasting of six vintages of Spottswoode Cabernet Sauvignon and its 2001 Sauvignon Blanc this week at one of my favorite fine dining establishments in Orange County: Pinot Provence...
Earlier this week, they cleared the tables out of the main dining room of one my favorite fine dining restaurants in Orange County, Pinot Provence. Spottswoode, one of the finer estates in Napa...
This is a blockbuster Shiraz from an area in Southeastern Australia that is known more for whites such as chardonnay and sauvignon blanc due to its cooler climate. But if reds deliver this quality...
“This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in acting, to...
Opened this up a little late tonight. But I had a hankering for a big red. So I pulled a wild card. The Harrison Cabernet. Not sure I why I bought it many years back, but it's the only one in my...
Grape power on the Hill – Lawmakers spread the wine gospel. “Wine is bottled poetry.” That quote, by Robert Louis Stevenson, is not the type of thing one expects to find on an...