Wow. I just found out that Robert Palmer died of a heart attack today. So we've seen Johnny Cash, Warren Zevon and now Robert Palmer. Both Zevon and Palmer in their 50's. Ouch.
A few things I found interesting this morning. First, Doc weighs in on his propensity to listening to satellite radio and his preference of Sirius over XM. But more important is his overview of a...
Several years ago during the dawn of the internet I was asked to speak at a conference in Prague for the European Journalism Network. At the time my brother Jon was a working journalist in New York...
Microsoft is considering selling music online through it's Windows Media Player application. Immitation & Flattery. Imitation is, after all, the best form of flattery. Or so the adage goes...
“I could make you happy, make your dreams come true Nothing that I wouldn't do Go to the ends of the earth for you To make you feel my love” – Make You Feel My Love Just saw...
Catching up and increasing my news dosage after a well deserved time off with family, I just ran into Leander Kahney's article in today's Wired titled “ – Music To...
Whew. It took a while. But I've converted perhaps 95% of my entire CD collection (somewhere over 1,200 CDs) to digital format. And while the TiVO system doesn't yet support the AAC codec, I...
Eric pointed me to the article in Tuesday's Washington Post about Utah Senator Orrin Hatch's testimonial in favor of “new technology to remotely destroy the computers of people who...
If you've been following, I'm currently converting my massive CD collection into digital format. It's been going on for days, almost weeks. But anyway, I'm currently at 11,477...
Ok. I’m going out on a limb now. But Dina. Yeah, you know. The infamous gal behind the “Conversations with Dina” is not only a marketing magnate, but she’s a legend with great...
Oh my god. You know I pulled Christopher Locke off my blogroll months ago. I admit I was taken back by his whimsical and fearless writing, no nonsense sensibility of marketing concepts and ideals and...
I've finally done it. Well. Committed to it, anyway. I'm converting all of my 1,200+ music CDs to digital files — AAC's (at 192k for those who care). My old G4 Cube will become...
The New York Post reports that Amazon and Apple Computer are in discussions regarding offering Apple's iTunes Music Store selections to Amazon customers. This would greatly expand the audience...
Great weekend in Southern California. Though close to the coast today I can officially say I experienced the raison d'etre that June is affectionally known as “June Gloom”. That is...
Memorial Weekend. If you’ve been wondering why blogging has been void this week, you should know that I got a vacation. That is, after one year of blogging the good people here at The Digital...
Celebrating Our First Anniversary For The Sake of Clarity – The Digital Tavern Make A Wish. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, shared ideas and thoughts. I look forward to another...
Prayers and great memories for June Carter Cash who died today after complications relating to heart surgery earlier this week. Here's Johnny on what she meant to him and their lives together...
If you haven't read this story yet, go check out the serious blunder made by the RIAA (Record Industry Association of America). I guess if you pay dues in this organization you are supporting...
I've anxiously been testing and reading about the quality, performance and size compromises when switching from MP3 to AAC for encoding CDs. Apple's new iTunes Music Store has set a 128k...
Scott Andrew reports on another ClearChannel development: its public statement that it's severing ties with independent “payola” promoters. […] I don't think this change...
According to this bulletin at Billboard, Apple's iTunes Music Store sold 275,000 songs in its first 18 hours of operation. That's over 250 songs per minute. I can imagine the server...