Parking & Keyboards In Provence.

The beauty of traveling virtually anywhere these days is the proliferation of the internet cafe. Whether you're in the middle of Bolivia, the remote towns of Tuscany or tiny villages of the...

Food in French.

It's not that I didn't want to order it. Rather I didn't know what it was. There was no translation in my phrase book nor was it in Bryan's French/English dictionary. The one he...

Medieval Villages

As many of you know I live in Southern California where real estate development is king. Most of the major new home developers are headquartered there. In fact Bryan, my fellow traveler here in...


Bread. It's a staple. Though with the ever increasing population of Atkins-esque loyalists in the United States bread is a shunned food. France? I love waking up and seeing people walking around...

Bloglet Subscription e-mails

For some reason my XML-RPC settings were inhibiting my RSS feed from being read by Bloglet. Therefore there haven't been any subscription notices (my blog has been updated emails) in the last...

French Riviera. French Dogs. And French Food!

We took a scenic ride down the coast of the Riviera from St. Rafael to Cannes. With blue skies and daytime temperature of 60ish the windy and twisty road through Agay and down to Cannes slipped by...

Nationalism and Dining French

A lot of people let jet lag interfere with enjoying the first few days of any trans oceanic flight. Even a transatlantic flight. For me, landing in Nice at noon (3am California time), I committed to...

I Wish I Had A Moblog…

I see that Boris and chicgeek helped get Joi a new moblog. I must admit that since Joi got involved with TypePad his site is SO much cleaner and easy to read. Way to go Joi. Maybe he'll share...

Alphabets and Airports.

The flight across the pond amounted to exactly 136 songs on my iPod. That's pulling it out less than an hour after take off and powering down the electronic device just before landing in Paris...

Gotta Move. Again.

Well it just seems when I just get my feet planted back home I get itching and gotta move. Yeah. Another quick trip. Can't stand still. This time I'm off to the south of France. The beaches...

MacWorld San Francisco – Live Report

iPod iPod Mini Comes in 5 colors! Jobs is talking iPod success. The holiday quarter for the iPod, Apple sold 700,000 + iPods. This means now Apple has sold more than 2 million iPods. Apple is showing...

MacWorld 2004

It's the 20th Anniversary of the Macintosh and the infamous 1984 Apple Computer SuperBowl spot directed by Ridley Scott. Tomorrow Steve Jobs takes the stage at Moscone Center and addresses the...

Happy New Year!

I'm on a plane heading to Southern California from Ronald Reagan International Airport in Washington DC. I was fortunate to spend time with my brother's family and toast the new year at his...

Travel Time Redux.

Ok. Ok. Ok. I know. Not only have I been a bit lame in keeping the Digital Tavern fresh over the last couple weeks, now I have to report that I'm on the road again. This time it's New York...

When It Feels Good To Be A Customer.

Sometimes the details are just too minute. Reviewing my new business cards this afternoon while grasping for every bit of light to aid my aging retinas in making sense of the tiny type, I noticed...