China Bound

One week from today I'll be hopping on a big bird and making my treks to Hong Kong and South Western China. It's interesting to note the responses from those who I've shared details...

Al Stewart – Live

It has been a busy week or so since I last was able to put some time into quality blogging. So I'll try to catch up with a number of posts today and tomorrow. Music. I'm going to do a...

Moscow On Fire

I just received an e-mail from my brother Jonathan who's in Moscow covering the elections for ABC News. Armed with camera in hand he just sent me this email and photos. A few minutes after the...

What's In A Company Name Today?

Notice the date today? A few years ago when I was active in the company I co-founded, Wirestone, we competed in the internet professional services space, as it was called then. The biggest players...

Not My Typical Blog Post.

Ok. So this is one of those blog postings I typically avoid. If you’re a first timer to The Digital Tavern please peruse by scrolling down or clicking categories. You’ll get a better...

Update from Panera. I just moved to a comfy leather chair with a built-in cup holder, an floor lamp and a pivotable and moveable table extention attached to the chair. This place has it going on...

Nothing Like Free.

The rain is pouring madly outside. The green umbrella wavers in the wind, it's rope flapping wildly. Terracotta stones seem slippery, dangerous. the wifi access is free. The ice tea refills:...

Back Home.

Back in California. What an amazing day today. At 3pm the full moon hung high in the deep blue sky. The Los Angeles skyline crystal clear. The rains from last night left the most amazing clear skies...

Good bye France

As I sat in Charles de Gaulle airport in France i thought about those travelers who were stuck here when flights to New York and Los Angeles were cancelled during the recent holiday season. Yet I was...

The Latest Trend in French Wine?

So in case you haven't been following The Mollusk, you might have missed the Vin Table Francaîs (French Wine) he sent me to commemorate my safe return from my recent trip to France. Or...